CiderPress II

Creating Archives


Creating new file archives is simple. From the initial screen you can click the Create New File Archive button, or use the File > New File Archive menu item.

Pick the type of archive you want to create, and click OK. A window will open that allows you to pick the location and name of the the file. Click Save to create the new archive and open it.


Creating a new disk image requires making a few choices. The first is to choose the capacity of the new disk. You can choose one of the standard floppy disk sizes, or a custom size.

The size determines which filesystems are allowed. For example, you can't format a 2GB disk image with DOS or ProDOS. Choose a filesystem from the available options, or None (zeroed) to create a completely blank image.

If the filesystem has a volume name or number, enter it in the appropriate field. If you are creating a DOS 3.2/3.3 disk and want it to be bootable, make sure the Allocate Boot Tracks box is checked. For CP/M disks this will mark the boot tracks as reserved, but won't install a bootable OS image.

Finally, select the file type for the disk image. Again, the capacity of the disk will determine which options are available.

Click Create. A window will open that allows you to pick the location and name of the file. Click Save to create the new disk image and open it.

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