CiderPress Format Documentation Index
This is an index of the file format documentation found in the CiderPress II source tree. The documents describe the layout of disk images, file archives, and "vintage" graphic and document formats.
Each document starts with a list of authoritative references, when such are available, and continues with a low-level description of the format. Put simply, it contains the sorts of things you'd want to have on hand when writing code to process files that used the format. Some are simple "cheat sheets", others have detailed explanations. Most also contain notes on how the "real world" use of the formats differs from what the specification asserts, as well as my attempts to reconcile conflicting information from authoritative sources.
The material was developed while writing the code that processes the files, so it should be reasonably accurate, and may provide some insight for programmers trying to understand why the code works the way it does. The documentation lives in the source code tree, right next to the relevant code.
All documentation in the CiderPress II source tree is copyright faddenSoft, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons ShareAlike 4.0 International license.
File Archives
- AppleLink-PE Package Format (.acu)
- AppleSingle (.as) and AppleDouble (._*)
- Apple II cassette recording (*.wav)
- Binary ][ (.bny .bqy)
- gzip (.gz)
- MacBinary (.bin .macbin)
- NuFX (ShrinkIt) (.shk .sdk .bxy .sea .bse)
- ZIP (.zip)
- LZC (LZW as implemented by "compress" command)
- NuFX (ShrinkIt) LZW/1 and LZW/2
- Squeeze (RLE+Huffman)
Disk Images
- 2IMG (.2mg .2img)
- DART (.dart, .image)
- Disk Copy 4.2 (.image)
- Trackstar (.app)
- Unadorned sector and nibble files (.do .po .dsk .img .d13 .iso .hdv .nib .nb2)
- WOZ (.woz)
Multi-Part Disk Formats
- APM (Apple Partition Map)
- 800K DOS: AmDOS, UniDOS, OzDOS
- FocusDrive
- Early Apple 'TS' partition map
- MicroDrive
- PPM (Pascal ProFile™ Manager)
- Apple DOS (Disk Operating System) 3.2 / 3.3
- CP/M for Apple II 5.25" and 3.5" disks
- Gutenberg word processor filesystem
- HFS (Hierarchical File System)
- MFS (Macintosh File System)
- Pascal (filesystem developed for Apple's UCSD Pascal)
- ProDOS (Professional Disk Operating System) and SOS (Sophisticated Operating System)
Vintage File Formats
- 6502, 65C02, and 65816 disassembly
- Apple Pascal Textfile and Codefile
- Applesoft, Integer, and Business BASIC
- Lazer's Interactive Symbolic Assembler (LISA) source file
- Merlin assembler source file
- S-C Assembler source file
- Apple IIgs Object Module Format (OMF)
- AppleWorks "Classic" documents (Data Base, Word Processor, and Spreadsheet)
- AppleWorks GS Word Processor document
- Magic Window document
- Apple IIgs Teach Document
- Apple II hi-res image, and hi-res screen font
- Apple II double-hi-res image
- Apple IIgs super-hi-res image (various formats, including APF and DreamGrafix)
- Apple IIgs QuickDraw II bitmap font file
- Apple IIgs Finder icon file
- Applesoft shape table
- Fontrix font file
- MacPaint graphics document
- Print Shop and Print Shop GS graphics (clip art and fonts)