Apple II Audio Cassette Recording

Primary References

There is a substantial library of Apple II cassette tape recordings at


The typical storage medium used on early Apple II systems, before floppy drives became commonplace, was a consumer-grade cassette tape recorder. The Apple II records data as a frequency-modulated sine wave. A recording device can be connected to the dedicated audio I/O port on the Apple ][, ][+, and //e. The //c, ///, and IIgs do not have this port.

A tape can hold one or more chunks of data, each of which has the following structure:

  • Entry tone: 10.6 seconds of 770Hz (8192 cycles at 1300 usec/cycle). This lets the human operator know that the start of data had been found.
  • Tape-in edge: 1/2 cycle at 400 usec/cycle, followed by 1/2 cycle at 500 usec/cycle. This "short zero" indicates the transition between header and data.
  • Data: one cycle per bit, using 500 usec/cycle (2kHz) for 0 and 1000 usec/cycle (1kHz) for 1.

There is no "end of data" indication, so it's up to the user to specify the length of data. The last byte of data is followed by an XOR checksum, initialized to $FF, that can be used to check for success.

Typical instructions for loading data from tape look like this:

  • Type LOAD or xxxx.xxxxR, but don't hit <return>.
  • Play tape until you here the tone.
  • Immediately hit stop.
  • Plug the cable from the Apple II into the tape player.
  • Hit "play" on the recorder, then immediately hit <return>.
  • When the Apple II beeps, it's done. Stop the tape.

The cassette I/O routines are built into the ROM. For binary code or data, the command is issued from the system monitor. The length is specified on the monitor command line, e.g. 800.1FFFR would read $1800 (6144) bytes. For BASIC programs and data, the length is included in an initial header section:

  • Integer BASIC programs have a two-byte (little-endian) length.
  • Applesoft BASIC programs (written with SAVE, loaded with LOAD) have a three byte header: the two-byte length, followed by a "lock" flag byte (if the high bit is set, the program starts executing when the LOAD completes).
  • Applesoft shape tables (loaded with SHLOAD) have a two-byte length.
  • Applesoft arrays (written with STORE, loaded with RECALL) have a three-byte header: the length, followed by an unused byte.

The header section is a full data area, complete with 10.6-second lead-in.

The storage density varies from 2000bps for a file full of 0 bits to 1000bps for a file full of 1 bits. Assuming an equal distribution of bits, you can expect to transfer about 187 bytes/second (ignoring the header).

Signal Processing

Some notes on what's required to decipher the recorded signal...

The monitor ROM routine uses a detection threshold of 700 usec to tell the difference between 0s and 1s. When reading, it outputs a tone for 3.5 seconds before listening. It doesn't try to detect the 770Hz tone, just waits for something under (40*12=)440 usec.

The Apple II hardware changes the high bit read from $c060 every time it detects a zero-crossing on the cassette input. I assume the polarity of the input signal is reflected by the polarity of the high bit, but I'm not sure, and in the end it doesn't really matter.

How quickly do we need to sample? The highest frequency we expect to find is 2KHz, so anything over 4KHz should be sufficient. However, we need to be able to resolve the time between zero transitions to some reasonable resolution. We need to tell the difference between a 650usec half-cycle and a 200usec half-cycle for the start, and 250/500usec for the data section. Our measurements can comfortably be off by 200 usec with no ill effects on the lead-in, assuming a perfect signal. (Sampling every 200 usec would be 5Hz.) The data itself needs to be +/- 125usec for half-cycles, though we can get a little sloppier if we average the error out by combining half-cycles.

The signal is less than perfect, sometimes far less, so we need better sampling to avoid magnifying distortions in the signal. If we sample at 22.05KHz, we could see a 650usec gap as 590, 635, or 680, depending on when we sample and where we think the peaks lie. We're off by 15usec before we even start. We can reasonably expect to be off +/- twice the "usecPerSample" value. At 8KHz, that's +/- 250usec, which isn't acceptable. At 11KHz we're at +/- 191usec, which is scraping along.

We can get mitigate some problems by doing an interpolation of the two points nearest the zero-crossing, which should give us a more accurate fix on the zero point than simply choosing the closest point. This does potentially increase our risk of errors due to noise spikes at points near the zero. Since we're reading from cassette, any noise spikes are likely to be pretty wide, so averaging the data or interpolating across multiple points isn't likely to help us.

Some tapes seem to have a low-frequency distortion that amounts to a DC bias when examining a single sample. Timing the gaps between zero crossings is therefore not sufficient unless we also correct for the local DC bias. In some cases the recorder or media was unable to respond quickly enough, and as a result 0s have less amplitude than 1s. This throws off some simple correction schemes.

The easiest approach is to figure out where one cycle starts and stops, and use the timing of the full cycle. This gets a little ugly because the original output was a square wave, so there's a bit of ringing in the peaks, especially the 1s. Of course, we have to look at half-cycles initially, because we need to identify the first "short 0" part. Once we have that, we can use full cycles, which distributes any error over a larger set of samples.

In some cases the positive half-cycle is longer than the negative half-cycle (e.g. reliably 33 samples vs. 29 samples at 48KHz, when 31.2 is expected for 650us). Slight variations can lead to even greater distortion, even though the timing for the full signal is within tolerances. This means we need to accumulate the timing for a full cycle before making an evaluation, though we still need to examine the half-cycle timing during the lead-in to catch the "short 0".

Because of these distortions, 8-bit 8KHz audio is probably not a good idea. 22.05KHz sampling is a better choice for tapes that have been sitting around for 25-30 years.

Sound Capture

Here are some tips on capturing audio from an Apple II data recording. This comes from the manual for the original CiderPress application.

It isn't necessary to record each section of data from the cassette into its own WAV file. CiderPress will try to find every chunk of data in a WAV file.

If you have a "line out" on your tape player and a "line in" on your PC sound card, use those. If not, you can use the "microphone" input and the "headphone" out, though you will have to set the volume levels correctly. In the "speaker" or "multimedia" control panel, set the microphone input gain to 50%. Start up your sound editor. If you have a way to see the input level on the microphone, turn that on. Play the cassette tape out loud until you hear a tone, then plug it into the computer and watch the input level. You want to set the volume so that the input is as high as you can get it without exceeding the limit (this causes "clipping", which is a lot like a square wave but probably isn't going to help us here).

Once you have the volume level figured out, back the tape up to the start of the tone. Hit "record" in your software and "play" on your tape player. Record at 22.05KHz with 8-bit monaural samples. (Recording at CD quality, 44.1KHz with 16-bit stereo samples, doesn't help and requires 8x the space.) If your software shows an input meter while recording, continue to record until the volume level drops and stays low for at least 10 seconds. If you can't monitor the input, you will either need to time the cassette, or just record for a long time and perhaps trim the excess off in the sound editor. Make sure you get all of the data from the tape. When you think you're done, pull the audio plug out of the tape player and keep listening for a little bit.

Tip: CiderPress only needs to see about a second of the lead-in, so it's okay to fiddle with the volume while the initial tone is playing.

Tip: in some cases, setting the volume a little too high can be beneficial. It's better to clip some samples than have too little signal. If at first you don't succeed, crank up the volume a notch and try again.

Most cassettes include more than one copy of a program. In some cases (such as Adventure International's "Asteroid") they are slightly different implementations, while in others it's the same program repeated. Sometimes the program is repeated on the back side of the tape. Magnetic tapes wear out if you play them too much, so redundancy was common.

The output of the Apple II is a blocky "square wave" rather than a smooth "sine wave". Because of limitations in how quickly voltage levels can change, the output isn't perfectly square. Because of the physical properties of and variations in magnetic media, the not-quite-square wave is rather rounded and wiggly. After being stored in less-than-perfect conditions for 25-30 years, what you read back from an Apple II tape can look pretty crazy.

Most cassettes can be recovered, even those that will no longer play on an Apple II. If you find one that can't, you may want to keep the WAV recording anyway, on the off chance that in the future an improved algorithm can be developed that will decode it.

When CiderPress encounters data that it can't interpret, it stops trying to read from that section of the WAV file. For this reason, damaged entries will usually be shorter than undamaged ones. If a file appears to have the correct length but the checksum still doesn't match, it means the signal was sufficiently distorted to make a '0' bit look like a '1' bit, which is actually pretty hard to do. In most cases the decoder will either make an accurate determination or will conclude that the signal is too distorted to process. So far only one case has been found where the checksum was deliberately altered, as part of a copy protection scheme (Sargon II).

If the tape has more than one program on it, you can usually tell if it's multiple copies of the same thing by comparing lengths and checksums. If the checksums say "good" but have different values, you probably have two different programs, or two slightly different versions of the same program.

You may be tempted to store copies of the WAV file in MP3 format. This is not recommended. CiderPress cannot decode MP3s, and the decoded MP3 file is less likely to work than the original. However, experiments with converting the sound files in and out of MP3 format suggest that "healthy" files are unharmed at reasonable compression ratios.

You don't need fancy equipment. Connecting the headphone jack of a 15-year-old "boom box" to the microphone jack of a low-cost PC with on-motherboard audio works just fine.

ROM Implementation

For reference, here is a disassembly of the ROM routines. The code has been rearranged to make it easier to read.

; Increment 16-bit value at 0x3c (A1) and compare it to 16-bit value at
;  0x3e (A2). Returns with carry set if A1 >= A2.
; Requires 26 cycles in common case, 30 cycles in rare case.
FCBA: A5 3C     709  NXTA1    LDA   A1L        ;INCR 2-BYTE A1.
FCBC: C5 3E     710           CMP   A2L
FCBE: A5 3D     711           LDA   A1H        ;  AND COMPARE TO A2
FCC0: E5 3F     712           SBC   A2H
FCC2: E6 3C     713           INC   A1L        ;  (CARRY SET IF >=)
FCC4: D0 02     714           BNE   RTS4B
FCC6: E6 3D     715           INC   A1H
FCC8: 60        716  RTS4B    RTS

; Write data from location in A1L up to location in A2L.
FECD: A9 40     975  WRITE    LDA   #$40
FECF: 20 C9 FC  976           JSR   HEADR      ;WRITE 10-SEC HEADER
; Write loop.  Continue until A1 reaches A2.
FED2: A0 27     977           LDY   #$27
FED4: A2 00     978  WR1      LDX   #$00
FED6: 41 3C     979           EOR   (A1L,X)
FED8: 48        980           PHA
FED9: A1 3C     981           LDA   (A1L,X)
FEDB: 20 ED FE  982           JSR   WRBYTE
FEDE: 20 BA FC  983           JSR   NXTA1
FEE1: A0 1D     984           LDY   #$1D
FEE3: 68        985           PLA
FEE4: 90 EE     986           BCC   WR1
; Write checksum byte, then beep the speaker.
FEE6: A0 22     987           LDY   #$22
FEE8: 20 ED FE  988           JSR   WRBYTE
FEEB: F0 4D     989           BEQ   BELL

; Write one byte (8 bits, or 16 half-cycles).
; On exit, Z-flag is set.
FEED: A2 10     990  WRBYTE   LDX   #$10
FEEF: 0A        991  WRBYT2   ASL
FEF0: 20 D6 FC  992           JSR   WRBIT
FEF3: D0 FA     993           BNE   WRBYT2
FEF5: 60        994           RTS

; Write tape header.  Called by WRITE with A=$40, READ with A=$16.
; On exit, A holds $FF.
; First time through, X is undefined, so we may get slightly less than
;  A*256 half-cycles (i.e. A*255 + X).  If the carry is clear on entry,
;  the first ADC will subtract two (yielding A*254+X), and the first X
;  cycles will be "long 0s" instead of "long 1s".  Doesn't really matter.
FCC9: A0 4B     717  HEADR    LDY   #$4B       ;WRITE A*256 'LONG 1'
FCCB: 20 DB FC  718           JSR   ZERDLY     ;  HALF CYCLES
FCCE: D0 F9     719           BNE   HEADR      ;  (650 USEC EACH)
FCD0: 69 FE     720           ADC   #$FE
FCD2: B0 F5     721           BCS   HEADR      ;THEN A 'SHORT 0'
; Fall through to write bit.  Note carry is clear, so we'll use the zero
;  delay.  We've initialized Y to $21 instead of $32 to get a short '0'
;  (165usec) for the first half and a normal '0' for the second half;
FCD4: A0 21     722           LDY   #$21       ;  (400 USEC)
; Write one bit.  Called from WRITE with Y=$27.
FCD9: C8        724           INY              ;  OF 250 USEC ('0')
FCDA: C8        725           INY              ;  OR 500 USEC ('0')
; Delay for '0'.  X typically holds a bit count or half-cycle count.
; Y holds delay period in 5-usec increments:
;   (carry clear) $21=165us  $27=195us  $2C=220 $4B=375us
;   (carry set) $21=165+250=415us  $27=195+250=445us  $4B=375+250=625us
;   Remember that TOTAL delay, with all other instructions, must equal target
; On exit, Y=$2C, Z-flag is set if X decremented to zero.  The 2C in Y
;  is for WRBYTE, which is in a tight loop and doesn't need much padding.
FCDB: 88        726  ZERDLY   DEY
FCDC: D0 FD     727           BNE   ZERDLY
FCDE: 90 05     728           BCC   WRTAPE     ;Y IS COUNT FOR
; Additional delay for '1' (always 250us).
FCE0: A0 32     729           LDY   #$32       ;  TIMING LOOP
FCE2: 88        730  ONEDLY   DEY
FCE3: D0 FD     731           BNE   ONEDLY
; Write a transition to the tape.
FCE8: A0 2C     733           LDY   #$2C
FCEA: CA        734           DEX
FCEB: 60        735           RTS

; Read data from location in A1L up to location in A2L.
FF00: A9 16     1000          LDA   #$16
FF02: 20 C9 FC  1001          JSR   HEADR      ;DELAY 3.5 SECONDS
FF05: 85 2E     1002          STA   CHKSUM     ;INIT CHKSUM=$FF
FF07: 20 FA FC  1003          JSR   RD2BIT     ;FIND TAPEIN EDGE
; Loop, waiting for edge.  11 cycles/iteration, plus 432+14 = 457usec.
FF0A: A0 24     1004 RD2      LDY   #$24       ;LOOK FOR SYNC BIT
FF0C: 20 FD FC  1005          JSR   RDBIT      ;  (SHORT 0)
FF0F: B0 F9     1006          BCS   RD2        ;  LOOP UNTIL FOUND
; Timing of next transition, a normal '0' half-cycle, doesn't matter.
FF11: 20 FD FC  1007          JSR   RDBIT      ;SKIP SECOND SYNC H-CYCLE
; Main byte read loop.  Continue until A1 reaches A2.
FF14: A0 3B     1008          LDY   #$3B       ;INDEX FOR 0/1 TEST
FF16: 20 EC FC  1009 RD3      JSR   RDBYTE     ;READ A BYTE
FF19: 81 3C     1010          STA   (A1L,X)    ;STORE AT (A1)
FF1B: 45 2E     1011          EOR   CHKSUM
FF1D: 85 2E     1012          STA   CHKSUM     ;UPDATE RUNNING CHKSUM
FF1F: 20 BA FC  1013          JSR   NXTA1      ;INC A1, COMPARE TO A2
FF22: A0 35     1014          LDY   #$35       ;COMPENSATE 0/1 INDEX
FF24: 90 F0     1015          BCC   RD3        ;LOOP UNTIL DONE
; Read checksum byte and check it.
FF26: 20 EC FC  1016          JSR   RDBYTE     ;READ CHKSUM BYTE
FF29: C5 2E     1017          CMP   CHKSUM
FF2B: F0 0D     1018          BEQ   BELL       ;GOOD, SOUND BELL AND RETURN

; Print "ERR", beep speaker.
FF2D: A9 C5     1019 PRERR    LDA   #$C5
FF2F: 20 ED FD  1020          JSR   COUT       ;PRINT "ERR", THEN BELL
FF32: A9 D2     1021          LDA   #$D2
FF34: 20 ED FD  1022          JSR   COUT
FF37: 20 ED FD  1023          JSR   COUT
FF3A: A9 87     1024 BELL     LDA   #$87       ;OUTPUT BELL AND RETURN
FF3C: 4C ED FD  1025          JMP   COUT

; Read a byte from the tape.  Y is $3B on first call, $35 on subsequent
;  calls.  The bits are shifted left, meaning that the high bit is read
;  first.
FCEC: A2 08     736  RDBYTE   LDX   #$08       ;8 BITS TO READ
FCEE: 48        737  RDBYT2   PHA              ;READ TWO TRANSITIONS
FCEF: 20 FA FC  738           JSR   RD2BIT     ;  (FIND EDGE)
FCF2: 68        739           PLA
FCF3: 2A        740           ROL              ;NEXT BIT
FCF4: A0 3A     741           LDY   #$3A       ;COUNT FOR SAMPLES
FCF6: CA        742           DEX
FCF7: D0 F5     743           BNE   RDBYT2
FCF9: 60        744           RTS

; Read two bits from the tape.
; Read one bit from the tape.  On entry, Y is the expected transition time:
;   $3A=696usec  $35=636usec  $24=432usec
; Returns with the carry set if the transition time exceeds the Y value.
FCFD: 88        746  RDBIT    DEY              ;DECR Y UNTIL
FCFE: AD 60 C0  747           LDA   TAPEIN     ; TAPE TRANSITION
FD01: 45 2F     748           EOR   LASTIN
FD03: 10 F8     749           BPL   RDBIT
; the above loop takes 12 usec per iteration, what follows takes 14.
FD05: 45 2F     750           EOR   LASTIN
FD07: 85 2F     751           STA   LASTIN
FD09: C0 80     752           CPY   #$80       ;SET CARRY ON Y
FD0B: 60        753           RTS