File types:
- BIN ($06) / any (often $2000 or $4000), length 8184-8192: uncompressed hi-res image (~8KB file)
- FOT ($08) / $0000-3fff: uncompressed hi-res image (8KB file)
- FOT ($08) / $4000: compressed hi-res image (PackBytes)
- FOT ($08) / $8066: compressed hi-res image (LZ4FH)
Primary references:
- Apple II File Type Note $08/0000, "Apple II Graphics File"
- Apple II File Type Note $08/4000, "Packed Apple II Hi-Res Graphics File"
- IIgs TN #63, "Master Color Values"
This is a quick overview of the Apple II hi-res graphics architecture for anyone not recently acquainted. [This originally appeared in the documentation for fdraw.]
The Apple II hi-res graphics screen is a quirky beast. The typical API treats it as 280x192 with 6 colors (black, white, green, purple, orange, blue), though the reality is more complicated than that.
There are two hi-res screens, occupying 8K each, at $2000 and $4000. You turn them on and flip between them by accessing softswitches in memory-mapped I/O space.
Each byte determines the color of seven adjacent pixels, so it takes (280 / 7) = 40 bytes to store each line. The lines are organized into groups of three (120 bytes), which are interleaved across thirds of the screen. To speed the computation used to find the start of a line in memory, the group is padded out to 128 bytes; this means ((192 / 3) * 8) = 512 of the 8192 bytes are part of invisible "screen holes". The interleaving is responsible for the characteristic "venetian blind" effect when clearing the screen.
Now imagine 280 bits in a row. If two consecutive bits are on, you get white. If they're both off, you get black. If they alternate on and off, you get color. The color depends on the position of the bit; for example, if even-numbered bits are on, you get purple, while odd-numbered bits yield green. The high bit in each byte adjusts the position of bits within that byte by half a pixel, changing purple and green to blue and orange.
This arrangement has some curious consequences. If you have green and
purple next to each other, there will be a color glitch where they meet.
The reason is obvious if you look at the bit patterns when odd/even meet:
or ...101010010101...
. The first pattern has two
adjacent 1 bits (white), the latter two adjacent 0 bits (black). Things
get even weirder if split occurs at a byte boundary and the high bit is
different, as the half-pixel shift can make the "glitch" pixel wider or
narrower by half a pixel.
The Applesoft ROM routines draw lines that are 1 bit wide. If you execute
a command like HGR : HCOLOR=1 : HPLOT 0,0 to 0,10
, you won't see
anything happen. That's because HCOLOR=1 sets the color to green,
which means it only draws on odd pixels, but the HPLOT command we gave
drew a vertical line on even pixels. It set 11 bits to zero, but since
the screen was already zeroed out there was no apparent effect.
If you execute HGR : HCOLOR=3 : HPLOT 1,0 to 1,10
, you would expect a
white line to appear. However, drawing in "white" just means that no
bit positions are excluded. So it drew a vertical column of pixels at
X=1, which appears as a green line.
If (without clearing the screen after the previous command) you execute "HCOLOR=4 : HPLOT 5,0 to 5,10`, something curious happens: the green line turns orange. HCOLOR=4 is black with the high-bit set. So we drew a line of black in column 5 (which we won't see, because that part of the screen is already black), and set the high bit in that byte. The same byte holds columns 0 through 6, so drawing in column 5 also affected column 1. We can put it back to green with "HCOLOR=0 : HPLOT 5,0 to 5,10".
It's important to keep the structure in mind while drawing to avoid surprises.
Note that the Applesoft ROM routines treat 0,0 as the top-left corner, with positive coordinates moving right and down, and lines are drawn with inclusive end coordinates. This is different from many modern systems. fdraw follows the Applesoft conventions to avoid confusion.
The 8 colors and the associated bit patterns are:
0 black0 4 black1 00 00 / 80 80
1 green 5 orange 2a 55 / aa d5
2 purple 6 blue 55 2a / d5 aa
3 white0 7 white1 7f 7f / ff ff
Because colors are based on whether a pixel is in an odd or even column, and each byte holds 7 pixels, the color bit patterns are different for odd bytes vs. even bytes. The low bit is the leftmost pixel.
The "half-shift" phenomenon causes pixels in bytes with the high bit set to be shifted half a pixel to the right. The left edge of colored pixels ends up having a stair-step effect:
The transition between colors will be filled with black or white pixels. For example, a byte of purple followed by a byte of orange, with the purple in an even column, is 1010101-1010101. Because there are two adjacent '1' bits, the transition will be white. Because orange has its high bit set, the white transition area is half a pixel wider. If the purple had started in an odd column, the values would be 0101010-0101010, yielding a black transition.
To make things even more complicated, the transitions can show unexpected colors. For example, the IIgs RGB monitor generates some odd colors in the borders between solid colors with different high bits:
observed generated
d5 2a: blue [dk blue] purple ... black ...
aa 55: orange [yellow] green ... white ...
55 aa: purple [lt blue] blue ... black ...
2a d5: green [brown] orange ... black ...
Some emulators (e.g. AppleWin) will model this behavior.
The IIgs monochrome mode is not enabled on the RGB output unless you turn off AN3 by hitting $c05e (it can be re-enabled by hitting $c05f). This register turns off the half-pixel shift, so it doesn't appear to be possible to view hi-res output on an RGB monitor with the half-pixel shift intact. On the composite output, the presence of the half-pixel shift is quite visible.
The actual colors shown on a composite monitor or television are very different from what appears on an RGB monitor. There has been some debate concerning which is "correct".
IIgs tech note #63 specifies the following for border colors:
Color Color Register Master Color
Name Value Value
Black $0 $0000
Deep Red $1 $0D03
Dark Blue $2 $0009
Purple $3 $0D2D
Dark Green $4 $0072
Dark Gray $5 $0555
Medium Blue $6 $022F
Light Blue $7 $06AF
Brown $8 $0850
Orange $9 $0F60
Light Gray $A $0AAA
Pink $B $0F98
Light Green $C $01D0
Yellow $D $0FF0
Aquamarine $E $04F9
White $F $0FFF
These are the same 16 colors that appear on the lo-res graphics screen, and the hi-res output matches them.
Hi-res graphics screens may be saved on disk as a binary file with length $1ff8, $1ffc, or $2000. The shorter length is possible because the data in the "screen holes" doesn't need to be saved. The shorter length is valuable because, on a DOS 3.x disk, it reduces the storage requirement by one sector.
The ProDOS file type FOT is assigned as the official type, but most of the time the files just use BIN.
For FOT files with an auxtype < $4000, a byte in the first screen hole at offset +120 determines how the file should be treated (e.g. as B&W or color).
LZ4FH files are created by fhpack. The compression sources describe the file format in detail.
Apple II fonts usually span the printable character range ($20-7f, inclusive), but sometimes include the control characters as well. Each glyph is 7 pixels wide by 8 pixels high, with one bit per pixel, so each glyph is 8 bytes. The high bit in each byte is usually zero, but can be set to 1 to cause a half-pixel shift.
The glyphs are stored linearly: all 8 bytes for the first glyph, starting with the top row, then all 8 bytes for the second glyph.
Apple /// fonts use a similar layout, but define a special purpose for the high bit of each byte. The following explanation is from the file "APPENDIX.D" on the Washington Apple PI "CustomFONT Manual" disk set.
Appendix D: Technical Reference
How Character Sets are Stored
Each character is stored as a 7-by-8 bit array. Bits corresponding to pixels which are "ON" are set with a value of one; background bits are set to zero. The 7-by-8 bit array is stored as eight consecutive bytes - one byte for each row starting with the top row. Within each of the eight bytes, bit 0 corresponds to the lest-most pixel.
Bit 7 determines how each row of the character is displayed in inverse mode. If bit 7 is set to zero, the foreground and background will be exchanged when inverse mode is on. If all high bits are set to one, the character will flash when inverse mode is on. For more information on making characters flash, see Chapter 8.
Every character set fontfile is stored as a three block data file (two blocks for data and a third block for system information). The character set used as the "system character set" is defined in the file "SOS.DRIVER" on any boot disk. The system character set can be changed using the Apple /// System Utilities as detailed in Chapter 9 of this manual.