CiderPress II

Creating Archives

You can create new file archives and disk images easily. For example, to create a new, empty ZIP archive:

cp2 create-file-archive

CiderPress II determines which type of archive to create from the filename extension. You can use this to create Binary II (.bny, .bqy), ShrinkIt (.shk), and ZIP (.zip) file archives. You can't use it to create single-file archives, like gzip (.gz).

Creating disk images is slightly more complicated, because you need to specify the image size and will usually want to format the image with a particular filesystem. To create a basic 5.25" DOS floppy disk image:

cp2 create-disk-image 140k dos

Creating disk image: Unadorned Sector, order=dos/sect, size=140KB, DOS 3.x

The disk image format is specified by the filename extension. The size is specified in bytes with an optional multiplier (kB, MB, etc.), or in tracks. For example, to create an 800KB HFS image in DiskCopy 4.2 format:

cp2 cdi new.image 800kb hfs

Creating disk image: DiskCopy 4.2, order=pdos/blk, size=800KB, HFS

To create a 13-sector DOS 3.2 WOZ image:

cp2 cdi --sectors=13 new.woz 35trk dos

Creating disk image: WOZ, order=physical, size=114KB, DOS 3.x

The size specifies the formatted capacity of the disk. The multiplier can be kibibytes (k, kB, kiB), mebibytes (M, MB, MiB), gibibytes (G, GB, GiB), tebibytes (T, TB, TiB), 512-byte blocks (blk, blocks), or tracks (trk, tracks). Tracks are 3328 or 4096 bytes, depending on whether --sectors is 13 or (default) 16. (Note: it is incorrect to equate the base 2 and base 10 abbreviations — MB and MiB are different things — but the application treats them as synonymous because of tradition and convention.) The multiplier is case-insensitive.

The filesytem can be DOS, ProDOS, Pascal, CPM, or HFS. You can omit the filesystem type to create a completely blank image:

cp2 cdi new.hdv 32MiB

Creating UNFORMATTED disk image: Unadorned Sector, order=pdos/blk, size=32.0MB

Some combinations are invalid. For example, you can't create an 800KB .NIB image, or put DOS 3.3 on a 32MB image. See the full manual for a list of what's allowed.

By default, the boot tracks of 140KB DOS and CP/M disks are marked as in-use by the system. DOS disks will get a copy of DOS 3.3 or 3.2.1 depending on the --sectors setting. If you add the --no-reserve-boot option, the boot area will be freed up for file storage.

Filesystems with volume names (ProDOS, Pascal, HFS) will be named "NEWDISK". You can use the rename to change it, by specifying ":" as the name of the file to rename:

cp2 rename foo.po : MyVol

renaming NEWDISK -> MYVOL

DOS 3.2/3.3 disks are formatted with disk volume 254. The value in the VTOC can be changed with the rename command:

cp2 rename foo.po : 100

renaming DOS-254 -> 100

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